Next Generation Spatial Biology
AmberGen’s patented Miralys™ Photocleavable Mass-Tag Imaging Significantly Boosts the Capability of Mass Spectrometry Imaging.
Hyperplex & Fast
As many as 150+ intact protein biomarkers in 45 minutes
Image small molecules, lipids, glycans, extracellular matrix, and intact proteins — all on the same panel using Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Apply immunofluorescence and other imaging modalities on same sample to maximize possible data
Drug Colocation
Image small molecule drugs and protein targets on the same sample, same instrument
The moment has arrived for your Spatial Biology Research to ascend to greater heights, propelled by AmberGen's innovative technology that significantly enhances Mass Spectrometric High-plex Imaging capabilities. Miralys from AmberGen unlocks fresh opportunities in Multiomic and Multimodal correlative imaging.

AmberGen’s MaxOmic Laboratory: Highly Multiomic Imaging and Analysis Services

Advancing Spatial Biology using our Patented Technology.

AmberGen’s full-service MaxOmic™ Laboratory provides access to cutting-edge multiomic spatial biology techniques for imaging a wide range of molecules and cells in their native tissue environment.

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Miralys Probes

AmberGen’s patented probes are the heart of the Miralys imaging system. Our standard fully-validated probes are available for next-day shipment.

Our Probes

Miralys Panels

Miralys Panels will take you to new levels of ultra-high-plex and speed. They shorten the time between hypothesis and deep biological insights.

Our Panels

Miralys Kits

AmberGen’s patented Miralys Antibody Conjugation kits enable customers to choose from 100 different photocleavable mass-tag codes for labeling of customer chosen antibodies using a simple one step reaction.

Our Kits

“The combination of the multiplexed MALDI-IHC with image-guided proteomics showed great potential to further investigate diseases by providing complementary information from the same tissue section and without the need for customized instrumentation.”

Claes, B. S. R., Krestensen, K. K., Yagnik, G., Grgic, A., Kuik, C., Lim, M. J., Rothschild, K. J., Vandenbosch, M., & Heeren, R. M. A. (2023). MALDI-IHC-Guided In-Depth Spatial Proteomics: Targeted and Untargeted MSI Combined. Analytical Chemistry, 95(4), 2329–2338.


Apr 25, 2022 AmberGen announces that Dr. Michael Easterling, PhD will join Board of Directors » More
Apr 25, 2022 AmberGen Announces New Appointments for John Gillespie & Dr. Kenneth J. Rothschild » More
Apr 8, 2022 AmberGen and Bruker Collaborate on Spatial Biology Imaging Reagents for MALDI-Immunohistochemistry (MALDI-IHC) » More
Multiplexed and Multiomic Mass Spectrometry Imaging of MALDI-IHC Photocleavable Mass Tag Tissue Probes, N-Glycomics, and the Extracellular Matrisome from FFPE Tissue Sections
Multiplexed and Multiomic Mass Spectrometry Imaging of MALDI-IHC Photocleavable Mass Tag Tissue Probes, N-Glycomics, and the Extracellular Matrisome from FFPE Tissue Sections
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At AmberGen our goal is to create new tools that assist researchers, drug developers, and clinicians, answer the great questions in biology, drug development, and medicine.


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