Publications and Posters

Multiplexed and Multiomic Mass Spectrometry Imaging of MALDI-IHC Photocleavable Mass Tag Tissue Probes, N-Glycomics, and the Extracellular Matrisome from FFPE Tissue Sections
December 24, 2024  •  Taylor, H. B., Dunne, J. B., Lim, M. J., Yagnik, G., Rothschild, K. J., Mehta, A., Drake, R. R., & Angel, P. M. (2024). In Methods in Molecular Biology (pp. 305–332). Springer US. • Multiomic and Multimodal techniques
Single Cell MALDI-MSI Analysis of Lipids and Proteins within a Replicative Senescence Fibroblast Model
October 30, 2024  •  Sekera, E. R., Rosas, L., Holbrook, J. H., Angeles-Lopez, Q. D., Khaliullin, T., Rojas, M., Mora, A. L., & Hummon, A. B. (2024). In Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. American Chemical Society (ACS). • Multiomic, Lipids, Proteins, Single-Cell
Evaluation of antibody-based single cell type imaging techniques coupled to multiplexed imaging of N-glycans and collagen peptides by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging
October 16, 2023  •  Dunne, J., Griner, J., Romeo, M., Macdonald, J., Krieg, C., Lim, M., Yagnik, G., Rothschild, K. J., Drake, R. R., Mehta, A. S., & Angel, P. M. (2023). In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 415, Issue 28, pp. 7011–7024). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. • Multiomic, Multimodal techniques